Accessibility Resources

The Accessibility Team for Assessments supports learners, educators, parents, content authors, product owners, and client partners by assembling and maintaining a comprehensive set of accessibility resources designed to promote disability awareness and advocacy and build a rich understanding of what accessibility means and how to achieve it.

Learner, Educator, and Parent Resources

A multi-year project to support Nemeth literacy resulted in the development of a robust, publicly-available Nemeth Braille Curriculum for students who are blind. Strong Nemeth skills can open doors to success in Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics (STEM) so Pearson Assessments provides access to these materials for free. They are designed so that parents or teachers who are not familiar with Nemeth can learn alongside their students.

Internal and External Customer Resources

Our resources include information about the access needs of learners with disabilities, descriptions of technologies that support access, and a list of free, open-source tools for testing conformance to accessibility guidelines. There are also some overview materials that explain the different types of disabilities people may have and how to effectively design inclusive products and services that align to accessibility guidelines and standards.

Since the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is internationally recognized as a primary source for accessibility guidelines, we align our resources with the ongoing education efforts of WAI’s Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG).

One important tool for promoting the use of our accessibility resources is Pearson Able, Pearson’s employee resource group for employees with disabilities. Pearson Able has chapters all over the world and is designed to create and distribute resources to improve disability awareness and promote an inclusive culture within Pearson.