No Timing
Success Criterion 2.2.3 (Level AAA)


Is your website/application free from using time limits, unless they are essential?

Why is this important

People with cognitive disabilities, low or no vision, deafness, physical disabilities, or language limitations need enough time to understand what is being presented and interact with content. Minimizing, or better yet removing any occurrence of content that requires timed interaction enables more people to be able to sufficiently interact with the content.

This success criterion builds on the Level A Success Criterion 2.2.1 in that time limits are not used at all unless the content is a real-time event.

Whom does it benefit?

Example 1:

As a person who is blind,
I want enough time to use my screen reader to explore context, operate controls, and otherwise interact with the content
so that I can complete my task.

Example 2:

As a learner for whom English is second language,
I want to be able to read my assignments at my own pace,
so that I can make sure I understand the content.

Example 3:

As a person with a physical disability and uses a mouth stick to type,
I want enough time to react to the content and type
so that I can complete activities without being rushed.

Example 4:

As a person who is deaf,
I want enough time read text or understand sign-language interpretation
so that I can follow along and complete activities.

What should you do?

Allow users to complete an activity or interact with the website or application without any time limit.

How do you do it?

Do not set time limits on content or applications unless:

  • The time limit is essential: if removed, would fundamentally change the information or functionality of the content
  • The time limit is part of a real-time event, like bidding in an auction
  • The timing is imposed by content that is a prerecorded timed audio or video file

Need technical guidance?

Additional Resources to help you: