Trigonometric Functions

The equation editor allows you to write basic trigonometric functions such as sine, cosine, and tangent, and will detect which function you have typed based on its alphabetic abbreviation. No space is necessary between the function and its argument, as the equation editor will automatically generate it without you having to type it. However, if you do, it will not effect what is being displayed.

Inverse trigonometric functions cannot be written at present using the superscripted negative 1. Instead, writing the alphabetic equivalent will cause the equation editor to display the appropriate braille notation on the braille terminal while simultaneously displaying the correct print notation on screen.

Any squared function cannot be entered with the braille terminal at this time because the equation editor expects an argument after the function name.


Type the following trigonometric equations into the equation editor below and verify that the equation editor produces the proper Nemeth braille output in each case. Also verify that a sighted friend can read each number you have typed as it is displayed on the screen. Feel free to try your own examples.

  • Sine of Theta / 2
  • Cosine of Pi / 8 + Tangent of Pi / 4
  • Secant of Pi
  • Cosecant of Pi / 6
  • Arcsine of 45 degrees